Have you ever sat and wondered how many shades of purple there are? How many hues and tones; the variety seems infinite! On Monday morning, I started my observation of the colour when a neighbour on their return from a 5 week jaunt through Singapore, Malaysia and other exotic locations in the Far East, popped around with this fabulous gift for me from their travels. I look after the house, garden, greenhouse etc. whilst they are away; make sure everything is secure, and that everything is fed and watered. In winter this task isn't too onerous, as really all I need to do is pop in once a week to satisfy their insurers, and water a few house plants. During the summer months it takes about half an hour a day, as I water and feed the garden and greenhouse. I have to say they grow delicious tomatoes and cucumbers, and I help myself to these as they ripen, or they would rot on the vines. I have a similar arrangement with another neighbour, and we share cat sitting duties too, and rather than pack our pets off to catteries, we take turns to make sure they are safe and well in their own homes when we venture off on holidays. I like the peace of mind that someone I have known and trusted for many years is keeping an eye on our most precious possessions; our home and our animals.
By Monday afternoon, I gained a new opportunity to extend my studies into the infinite range of purple. Distracted by the orchids as I walked between the sitting and dining room, I pondered, was the old Victorian Celery Glass really the best receptacle to display them in. Now, there is something you should know about me, I am about as clumsy as clumsy comes, and if there is an accident to be had, I will have it. I know better than to walk around and be deep in thought, accidents will invariably happen. Monday afternoon proved no different, and in my day dream state of perambulation, I failed to notice the ever encroaching brick hearth that surrounds the sitting room fireplace as I walked towards the dining room doorway entranced by the flowers. Well, that is until it made its proximity known to me, as I kicked it hard with my right foot! I fell forward and screamed, a shock wave of pain running through me. I had broken my toes! This has led to me having plenty of time to observe all sorts of new shades of purple, as the swelling and bruising spread across my toes and onto my foot. Clumsy is as Clumsy does.
To add insult to injury, the usually sluggish NHS decided to be hyper-efficient, and I received my appointment for the Barium enema yesterday. It came complete with a diet sheet and two packets of laxatives! The diet is for the day before, when I am also required to take the double dose of drugs. It's really exciting .... a poached egg for breakfast, white toast, a scrape of butter, followed by a small piece of poached chicken or white fish for lunch, boiled potatoes, no veg , no sauces, no butter! The crowning glory of this meal is that I am allowed to eat some clear fruit Jelly! Well Yippee! Supper gets even more exciting; I am allowed to have either a clear soup or a meat extract drink. No solid food allowed. The following day, I am not allowed to eat at all, no tea or coffee either! When is this to take place? 3pm on Monday, which means Sunday will be a day of purgatory. I usually make a huge roast and generally splurge on the calories having been good all week. I suspect I will not only be as clumsy as a clumsy thing, but my grumpy tendencies will be much in evidence too! Poor iGit!
By Monday afternoon, I gained a new opportunity to extend my studies into the infinite range of purple. Distracted by the orchids as I walked between the sitting and dining room, I pondered, was the old Victorian Celery Glass really the best receptacle to display them in. Now, there is something you should know about me, I am about as clumsy as clumsy comes, and if there is an accident to be had, I will have it. I know better than to walk around and be deep in thought, accidents will invariably happen. Monday afternoon proved no different, and in my day dream state of perambulation, I failed to notice the ever encroaching brick hearth that surrounds the sitting room fireplace as I walked towards the dining room doorway entranced by the flowers. Well, that is until it made its proximity known to me, as I kicked it hard with my right foot! I fell forward and screamed, a shock wave of pain running through me. I had broken my toes! This has led to me having plenty of time to observe all sorts of new shades of purple, as the swelling and bruising spread across my toes and onto my foot. Clumsy is as Clumsy does.
To add insult to injury, the usually sluggish NHS decided to be hyper-efficient, and I received my appointment for the Barium enema yesterday. It came complete with a diet sheet and two packets of laxatives! The diet is for the day before, when I am also required to take the double dose of drugs. It's really exciting .... a poached egg for breakfast, white toast, a scrape of butter, followed by a small piece of poached chicken or white fish for lunch, boiled potatoes, no veg , no sauces, no butter! The crowning glory of this meal is that I am allowed to eat some clear fruit Jelly! Well Yippee! Supper gets even more exciting; I am allowed to have either a clear soup or a meat extract drink. No solid food allowed. The following day, I am not allowed to eat at all, no tea or coffee either! When is this to take place? 3pm on Monday, which means Sunday will be a day of purgatory. I usually make a huge roast and generally splurge on the calories having been good all week. I suspect I will not only be as clumsy as a clumsy thing, but my grumpy tendencies will be much in evidence too! Poor iGit!
Hello to you Zoe,
Again, you have written beautifully and with great wit.
Purple does have many shades and much symbolism attached to it.
Very sorry about the toes and the unfortunate timing of that appointment. Hoping that the next few days pass by pretty quickly and without further incident!
Those flowers are truly beautiful
Oh Zoe, poor you, broken toes and a barium meal, that is cruel.
I love purple, there are so many different shades. A friend gave me a beautiful purple orchid which has several purple hues, absolutley stunning.
Best wishes to you
Muddie x
Oh Zoe, that sounds very painful. Love your exploration of the colour purple. Reminds me of the wonderful if harrowing book Beloved by Toni Morrison. The old lady contemplates colour as a means of avoiding her memories. Looking forward to more xx
Dear Zoe, I'm sorry about your toe incident. It sounds very painful. I hope they will heal soon! As for your appt.--that's just something you want to get over with and simply forget. I've had them several times...I just forget them immediately. Just like all the other tests I've had, and you've had as well. I just send them off to their happy place, and they leave my mind forever:)
I love shades of blue and pink and of course, purple;) Not on toes, of course...but yes, your colors are my favorites:) Please be well;)
I find purple very soothing - perhaps you were hypnotized into a deep dreamlike state by your orchids!
Dear me - injured toes and then a penitents diet. Surely things can only get better :-)
You poor thing!
Hope all goes well.
Enjoy your jelly!
My heavens, I don't think I've ever seen such a lovely bouquet! It's nice to have such good neighbors. I've lived here for 14 years and everone just sort of keeps to themselves. Which is good sometimes I suppose.
Ow. I hope you found (find) someone to kiss those toes better...
Think sustaining thoughts of supper on Monday - breakfast on Tuesday...snacks in between...
best wishes, F
Just popped by to see how you were doing and it seems not great! I'm not sure whether the broken toe will take your mind over feeling hungry or vice versa or whether you will feel doubley down! I know if I had to do without food for a whole day I would be impossible to live with.
Thinking of you
Good Luck with the Barium meal. I've had one but no-one told me about the after effects. Do stick close to a Loo!!
So sorry you've been in the wars again. Things have got to get better soon.
Take care
I do love purple, but I would much rather contemplate purple flowers than purple toes! Ouch! I do hope the toes are doing better by now.
I also hope your appointment went all right; the best part is that it's over:) I have to have these tests every 5 years; definitely no fun, but it does give you some peace of mind knowing any problems can be caught early.
I lost the link to your blog; thanks to VP I found it again. Hope you are doing better.
Hey zoe its good to be back xx
I don't know whats been going on in your life i'll do a catch up next week, but broken toes and barium meals apart i hope things are improving oo back soon .
I trust you're eating better, now...I have also broken toes, they hurt really bad for about two weeks, then it's not much. (I hope that's more encouraging than discouraging.) Arnica (internal and topical) and ice (topical - although ice cream internally helps everything, I think) might help - perhaps you will start a fashion for multiple dressings in widely-distributed areas.
This is so maddening. If I were you, I'd rant non-stop.
Vases - this may sound daft and not to your taste but I have some diamond shaped preserving jars - a German version of Kilner. They are very clumpy and solid so they don't fall over easily but they look very attractive with flowers in. They might not do for formal meals but for the rustic . . . can't knock it over look, they're great.
Not sure if they are right for orchids - but for daffodils and sweet peas . . .
Be better (from everything!) soon.
Zoe, I hope someday I can write as beautifully as you. Looking forward to getting to know you! hope your having a good day today, send you hugs, my new friend.
Just found your blog. You have a lovely style of writing. Hope all went well at the hospital and that your poor tootsies are healing.
Understand the whole thing!
Keep us posted!
Rotten luck Zoe, hope the toes mend quickly but it was a wonderful gift.
Smudge is gorgeous, you are obviously the chosen ones in which case resistance is futile I suppose!
Good luck for tomorrow.
Oh Zoe, poor you, I do hope the toes do mend very quickly for you.
I have a neighbour Zoe who I house-sit for with Cat while they are on holiday, it does save Cat having to go to the Cattery, don;t think Flopsy would care for it there as she is quite a nervous bundle of fluff.
I adore all the different shades of Purple flowers, and the photo you have posted is so pretty.
Hope all went well at the hospital Zoe.
Best Wishes,
I hope you are feeling better by now Zoë? Nothing hurt like this, when we bump our toes into an edge. I always say something very nasty. The orchids are lovely.
What a thoughtful gift --the flowers are beautiful.
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